Mechanical thumb + support Kubota BX – BT601

  • Product Code: CKMT2
  • Availability: In Stock

  • 489.99$

® Mechanical thumb with weld-on bracket to convert the Kubota BX model with BT601 backhoe

Our mechanical thumb is designed for an aggressive grip to grab and hold the item in question. With its sharp teeth and profiled jaw, you will have an incomparable hold!

Our telescopic mechanical thumb is adjustable, depending on the desired opening, thus adapting to your various projects. It is mounted on a machined steel ring; which ensures a good seat of the pins.

Our thumb is also compatible with all buckets or accessories, without disturbance.

In order to allow everyone to obtain a thumb signed Tractor Attachments, we have also designed a weld-on bracket, for tractor owners who do not have one.

The thumb designed and manufactured by Tractor Attachments is made with Canadian steel, whose alloy is greatly superior. Thus, our products are among the most robust and resistant on the market!

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